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2011-5-3 来源:中国聚合物网
关键词:涂料 绿色涂料
    中国是世界第一大涂料生产和消费国。2010年中国涂料总产量达966.63 万吨,是世界上涂料潜在市场最大、发展最具活力的地区。 目前中国涂料行业的环保化进程也不断加快。“绿色”成品不断涌现。涂料行业在快速发展的同时面临着诸多问题,诸如竞争激烈、利润偏低、研发投入不足等等,但是由于中国市场尚未成熟,因此这个市场仍被专家认为是全球最大、最具竞争力的涂料市场。针对这一蓬勃发展的新兴市场, 2011亚太绿色工业涂料峰会将于2011年10月18日至19日在中国上海隆重举行。本次峰会将邀请全球十大涂料工业巨头与中国本土十大涂料工业巨头与您分享最精彩前沿的行业技术与发展动态。峰会主要探讨涂料的环保原材料研究、绿色新材料开发以及原材料安全性检测等热点话题。近50家国际涂料制造商与超过200家的原料供应商以及检测服务机构齐聚一堂,共同打造亚太工业涂料更环保、更绿色的未来!

During the last years, the question regarding "green" coatings have increased significantly. Academic research institutes around the world and several companies are engaged to develop environmentally friendly coating systems. This includes the binding system, as well as the pigments. Therefore it is necessary, that the additives for such coatings do also fulfill the criteria to be "green". Within this presentation a definition will be given what "green" does mean and what are the most important "green" criteria. Furthermore a systematic approach to "green" additives will be described." Given that Sustainability, environmental friendly and Green Coatings are latest buzzwords in the industry. Under this background, Green Industrial Coating Asia 2011 will be held on 18th – 19th Oct. 2011 in Shanghai, China. It has categorically invited 30 expert speakers to address and share first-hand knowledge on the green topics and 250 coating manufacturers and coating ingredients providers on this golden platform, making joint-effort for a more environmentally-friendly and greener future for the Asia industrial coating industry!

2011亚太绿色工业涂料峰会组委会     Green Industrial Coating Asia 2011
联系人:Jessica Lee                  Contact: Jessica Lee
联系电话:0086-21 52120927         Tel: 0086-21-52120927
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