泛美生物化学和分子生物学联合会 (PABMB)
链接地址: http://pabmb.fcien.edu.uy/
The Panamerican Association for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (PABMB) is the association of professional societies for biochemists and molecular biologists in the Americas. Biochemists and molecular biologists in most countries in the American Hemisphere have organized professional societies to improve biochemical and molecular biology research and education within their respective national boundaries. When the national associations link together for a common purpose involving supranational boundaries they form a regional association. In Europe, this is known as the Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS) in Asia and the Pacific as the Federation of Asian and Oceanian Biochemists (FAOB) and in the Americas, as PABMB.

Worldwide, the supranational international organization is the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (IUBMB).

PABMB was organized in January 1970, and has grown from membership with regional participants in the Americas to include other organizations from countries which have strong cultural and historical links to those in the American continent. Currently, two European Biochemical Associations, Portugal and Spain, have been granted associated membership to PABMB, thus linking American colleagues with the European Union.

PABMB fosters regional cooperation through the sponsorship of regional international workshops or symposia and other scholarly activities related to biochemistry and molecular biology. In addition, every three years it holds a scientific congress with many symposia and plenary lectures of basic scientific interests as well as selected scientific and educational topics in biology or health pertinent to the extensive region including peoples cultures and habitats, from territories in the continent from Canada to Argentina and Chile.

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