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祝贺丁美春老师和赵德民石墨烯螺旋气凝胶太阳能蒸发器的工作被Carbon Energy(IF:20.5)接收

Solar-driven interfacial evaporation is a promising technology for freshwater production from seawater, but salt accumulation on the evaporator surface hinders its performance and sustainability. In this study, we report a simple and green strategy to fabricate a 3D porous graphene spiral roll (3GSR) that enables highly efficient solar evaporation, salt collection, and water production from near-saturated brine with zero liquid discharge (ZLD). The 3GSR design facilitates energy recovery, radial brine transport, and directional salt crystallization, thereby

resulting in an ultra-high evaporation rate of 9.05 kg m-2 h-1 in 25 wt.% brine under one sun illumination for 48 h continuously. Remarkably, the directional salt crystallization on its outer surface not only enlarges the evaporation area but also achieves an ultra-high salt collection rate of 2.92 kg m-2 h-1, thus enabling ZLD desalination. Additionally, the 3GSR exhibits a record-high water production rate of 3.14 kg m-2 h-1 in an outdoor test. This innovative solution offers a highly efficient and continuous solar desalination method for water production and ZLD brine treatment, which has great implications for addressing global water scarcity and environmental issues arising from brine disposal.

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