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Observing Different Dynamic Behaviors of Weakly and Strongly Adsorbed Polystyrene Chains at Interfaces
作者:Xu Li, Xiaofeng Han, Xiaoliang Wang, Zhan Chen,* and Xiaolin Lu*
关键字:SFG, weakly adsorbed, strongly adsorbd, PS chains
具体来源:Soft Matter, 2018,14, 2762-2766


我们在蓝宝石界面上制备了强吸附和弱吸附的高分子链,在良溶剂和非溶剂的作用下利用和频振动光谱探测界面聚苯乙烯高分子链的构象。证实了强吸附的高分子链在界面比较刚硬,弱吸附的高分子链在界面比较柔软。由于提供了分子链柔性与否的直接证据,文章作为Communication和front cover发表。

Published as a Soft Matter Communication and front cover one.

Understanding the dynamic behavior of polymer chains adsorbed onto a solid surface is of great importance for elucidating polymer-surface interactions. Here by using sum frequency generation (SFG) vibrational spectroscopy, we probed the conformational changes of weakly adsorbed and strongly adsorbed polystyrene (PS) chains on sapphire surfaces perturbed by nonsolvent (deuterated water, D2O) and good solvent (carbon tetrachloride, CCl4). The SFG results indicated that the PS chains in the weakly adsorbed state were flexible and the chain conformation could easily be altered. Differently, the PS chains in the strongly adsorbed state were rigid and the chain conformation could not be changed. The local structural variations for the weakly and strongly adsorbed PS chains at the interfaces were also discussed in detail with respect to the SFG spectral characteristics. These intriguing experimental results shed light on our understanding on molecular behaviors of polymer chains adsorbed onto a solid surface.
