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[Small] Engineering Structural Janus MXene-nanofibrils Aerogels for Season-Adaptive Radiative Thermal Regulation
writer:Weiqing Yang, Peng Xiao,* S Li, F Deng, F Ni, C Zhang, J Gu, J Yang, S Kuo, F Geng,* Tao Chen*
keywords:biocompatible aerogels, cooling and heating, freeze-drying-free method, Janus structures, passive radiative, switchable functional surfaces
specific source:Small, 2023, 2302509
Issue time:2023年

Aerogels have provided a significant platform for passive radiation-enabled thermal regulation, arousing extensive interest due to their capabilities of radiative cooling or heating. However, there still remains challenge of developing functionally integrated aerogels for sustainable thermal regulation in both hot and cold environment. Here, Janus structured MXene-nanofibrils aerogel (JMNA) is rationally designed via a facile and efficient way. The achieved aerogel presents the characteristic of high porosity (≈98.2%), good mechanical strength (tensile stress of ≈2 MPa, compressive stress of ≈115 kPa), and macroscopic shaping property. Based on the asymmetric structure, the JMNA with switchable functional layers can alternatively enable passive radiative heating and cooling in winter and summer, respectively. As a proof of concept, JMNA can function as a switchable thermal-regulated roof to effectively enable the inner house model to maintain >25 °C in winter and <30 °C in hot summer. This design of Janus structured aerogels with compatible and expandable capabilities is promising to widely benefit the low-energy thermal regulation in changeable climate.