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【2023-07】合作论文在《ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces》发表,Congratulations Ekaterina V. Gunina和Valentin A. Milichko

Ekaterina V. Gunina, Nikolaj A. Zhestkij, Maksim Sergeev, Semyon V. Bachinin, Yuri A. Mezenov, Nikita K. Kulachenkov, Maria Timofeeva, Valentina Ivashchenko, Alexander S. Timin, Sergei A. Shipilovskikh, Anastasia A. Yakubova, Dmitry Pavlov, Andrei Potapov, Jiang Gong, Laura Khamkhash, Timur Sh. Atabaev, Stéphanie Bruyere, Valentin A. Milichko. 

Laser-assisted design of multifunctional MOF derivative platforms from nano to centimeter scales with a light control. 

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2023) Accept.