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Global Sensitivity Analysis of Occupant Egress Safety Model.
作者:De-peng, Kong, L. U. Shou-xiang, and L. O. Sm.
关键字:life safety, occupant egress, global sensitivity analysis, building fire
具体来源:Procedia Engineering no. 11:179-184.
Identification of the important factors for the occupant egress safety under building fire is important. In order to achieve this goal, a global sensitivity analysis method, Fourier Amplitude Sensitivity Test (FAST), was instead of the local sensitivity analysis to indentify the important factors for the safe evacuation level under building fire. The equation for safe egress level under building fire was determined by a series of empirical formulas. The result indicates that uncertainty of CFAST model has the dominating influence on the safety egress level while uncertainties associated with exit flow rate and population density have little influence. The relative differences between the first order sensitivity indies and the total sensitivity indies indicate that the interaction between fire growth rate and other factors has the largest influence on the safety egress level.