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杜强国教授 复旦大学高分子科学系
有机无机纳米复合材料的结构与性能研究 玻璃纤维增强复合材料的研发 医用高分子材料和人工脏器的研究。 微孔聚丙烯中空纤维的制备方法,微孔形态和成孔机理的研究。 热致相分离法制备微孔中空纤维的理论和实践。... 详细>>
Asst.Prof.Dr.Chen Wei National University of Singapore
1. Self-assembled functional molecular nanostructure arrays for their applications in molecular electronics, organic electronics, and solid state quantum computation. 2. Molecular-level interface con... 详细>>
胡斌副教授 田纳西大学
Magnetic studies of exciton-exciton and exciton-charge interactions in organic light-emitting and photovoltaic devices Magnetic control of constructive and non-constructive excited state an... 详细>>
汪勇教授 南京工大材料化学工程国家重点实验室
1. 基于嵌段共聚物的功能材料,如新概念膜分离材料,光电活性薄膜材料等 2. 有机无机复合/杂化新技术和新材料 3. 材料的绿色制备和转化,如使用生物基基原材料以及绿色溶剂等 详细>>
范洪有研究员 美国圣地亚国家实验室
Soft self-assembly Synthesis and applications of nanomaterials Porous and composite materials 详细>>
Assoc.Prof.Dr.Qian Wang University of South Carolina
The research in Wang group is divided into four distinctive but inter-connected topics: (1) chemoselective functionalization of bionanoparticles (BNPs); (2) self-assembly of BNPs towards materials dev... 详细>>
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