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Photoenhanced gene transfection by a star-shaped polymer consisting of a porphyrin core and poly(L-lysine) dendron arms
作者:[4] Dong Ma, Yi Zhao, Xiao-Yan Zhou, Qian-Ming Lin, Yi Zhang, Jian-Tao Lin, Wei Xue
关键字:photoenhanced gene transfection; poly(L-lysine) dendrimers;
具体来源:Macromolecular Bioscience 2013, 13: 1221-1227.
A star-shaped polymer (PP-PLLD) consisting of a porphyrin (PP) core and poly(L-lysine) dendron arms (PLLD) is synthesized by the click reaction, and its ability to deliver pEGFP is investigated in this paper. It is found that PP-PLLD has a good buffer capacity and can form compact complexes with pEGFP. In vitro assay indicates that PP-PLLD shows photoenhanced gene transfection efficiency. PP-PLLD consisting of only third generation PLLD shows a higher transfected cell number than PEI under a Xe lamp at the N/P ratio of 20, and meanwhile shows a neglectable cytotoxicity to HeLa cells. Therefore, PP-PLLD with suited irradiation is a promising nontoxic and photoinducible effective gene delivery strategy, which should be encouraged in gene therapy.