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课题组关于利用双重超分子作用调控两亲性环糊精二聚体在不同溶剂中自组装形态的研究工作被J. Phys. Chem. B接受

Probing into the Supramolecular Driving Force of an Amphiphilic β-Cyclodextrin Dimer in Various Solvents: Host-Guest Recognitionor Hydrophilic-Hydrophobic Interaction?

Yang Bai, Xiao-dong Fan*, Hao Yao, Zhen Yang, Ting-ting Liu, Hai-tao Zhang, Wan-bin Zhang, and Wei Tian*

Tuning of the morphology and size of supramolecular self-assemblies is of theoretical and practical significance. To date, supramolecular driving forces in different solvents remain unclear. In this study, we first synthesized an amphiphilic β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) dimer that consists of one hydrophobic ibuprofen (Ibu) and two hydrophilic β-CD moieties (i.e., Ibu-CD2). Ibu-CD2 possesses double supramolecular driving forces, namely, the host-guest recognition and hydrophilic-hydrophobic interaction. The host-guest interaction of Ibu-CD2 induced the formation of branched supramolecular polymers (SPs) in pure water, whereas the hydrophilic-hydrophobic interaction generated spherical or irregular micelles in water/organic mixtures. The SP size increased with the increase in Ibu-CD2 concentration in pure water. By contrast, the size of micelles decreased with the increase in volume ratio of water in mixtures.
