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Fluorescent polystyrene microspheres with large Stokes shift by fluorescence resonance energy transfer.
writer:Wei-Bing Wu, Ming-Liang Wang, Yue-Ming Sun, Wei Huang, Yi-Ping Cui, Chun-Xiang Xu
keywords:A. Optical materials; A. Polymers; D. Luminescence
specific source:Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids
Issue time:2008年

We prepared fluorescentmicrospheres with notably largeStokesshift and long-wavelength fluorescence by applying fluorescenceresonanceenergytransfer (FRET) between two common julolidine dyes. Short distance between dye molecules caused by high dye concentration results in efficient FRET in microspheres. However, adequate dye concentration and moderate molar ratio of the donor and acceptor should be chosen to avoid aggregation of dye molecules, which leads to the decrease of fluorescent intensity. Microrspheres with average distance between dye molecules of 1.94 nm and molar ratio of 3.08:1 realize highly efficient FRET with no fluorescence of donor and intense long-wavelength emission of acceptor. In addition, the applied solvent evaporation method for preparing microspheres provided better protection of dyes from ambient medium than traditional surface-labeled method. These results demonstrate the feasibility of applying FRET in microspheres to expand useful fluorescent probes, and reveal their potential application in bioassays field.