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Miss FU Lina was awarded the “Pacemaker to Triple A Outstanding Graduate Student"” Honorary Title of Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Competition on the “Pacemaker to Triple A Outstanding Graduate Student" Honorary Title of Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), 2010-2011 was held from October 11 to 23, including Materials Evaluation, Internet Vote and Scene Competition. According to the rules, the pacemakers were selected after the three phases. As the only student representative of College of Life Science and Technology, Miss FU Lina was awarded the “Pacemaker to Triple A Outstanding Graduate Student"” Honorary Title of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 2010-2011.


Materials Evaluation Phase

Internet Vote

 Scene Competition
Supervisor Professor Yang Guang participated in the scene competition to encourage FU Lina.

The interview of FU Lina was published on “Graduate Students in HUST” newspaper which is sponsored by Graduate School of HUST.