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Prof. Osada Yoshihito Visited Life College of Sci. & Tech. HUST

    On Nov. 25th, 2014, Invited by Prof. Yang, Prof. Osada Yoshihito visited the College of Life Science and Technology of HUST, and presented an excellent speech entitled “Intelligent Gels-An Approach to Artificial Muscles”.

    Prof. Osada Yoshihito, the deputy Director of the Institute of Physics and Chemistry, is a famous expert in polymer hydrogel. He was vice-chancellor at the Hokkaido University. Professor Osada Yoshihito has made outstanding contributions in the field of intelligent polymer hydrogels, he has published nearly 300 papers in the international famous science magazine including Nature.

    Prof. Osada Yoshihito researches in nanotechnology device, artificial muscles, intelligent polymer hydrogels, surface of supra-molecular chemistry, etc.