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Crystallization kinetics, aggregated structure and thermal stability of biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate) manipulated by a biocompatible layered metal phosphonate as an efficient nucleator
writer:Jia Chunfeng, Zhou Shanshan, Xie Zhanghua, Wang Lukai, Yang Yubin, Sun Xiaoyu, Xie Yuhong, Yang Jinj
keywords:PES, PPZn, Crystallization, Aggregated structure
specific source:Polymer International
Issue time:2021年

A P- and Zn-containing organic/inorganic hybrid layered metal phosphonate (PPZn) as a

biocompatible nucleator was incorporated into the biodegradable poly(ethylene succinate) (PES)

polyester to investigate the effect of the PPZn on the crystallization behavior, crystal and aggregated

structure, crystal morphology and thermal stability of the PES. Two traditional inorganic nucleators

(Talc and BN) were utilized for the comparison with the PPZn. The PPZn exhibited markedly higher

nucleation effect than the Talc and BN. The PPZn significantly enhanced the Tc and crystallization

rate, and shortened the crystallization time of the PES, as confirmed by the crystallization kinetics.

Hydrogen bond interaction exists between the PPZn and PES C=O group and between the PPZn and

PES amorphous C-O-C group, which facilitates the uniform dispersion of the PPZn in the PES matrix.

The nucleation of the PES is mainly attributed to good crystal lattice matching between the PES and

PPZn. The PPZn slightly increased the thermal degradation temperature of the PES below 380 ℃.