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Directional Drop Transport Achieved on High-Temperature Anisotropic Wetting Surfaces
作者:Chengcheng Liu1, Jie Ju2, Jie Ma2,*, Yongmei Zheng1,* andLei Jiang1,2,*
关键字:Directional, Drop transport
It demonstrate a method to transport drop directionally on tilting silicon nanowires (TSNWs) surface depending on its high-temperature anisotropic wetting performance
achieved by tailoring the surface characteristics: the overheated superhydrophilic surface covered with moderate-long TSNWs shows high-temperature anisotropic wetting performance and drops placed on it spread asymmetrically at the beginning. Unbalanced surface tension force resulting from the asymmetric drop shape and propelling force introduced by growth of vapour bubbles in the spreading process cooperatively drive the drop directionally. After spreading, the drop move directionally with vapour film formed below. The overheated TSNWs surfaces with decreased chemical hydrophilicity or reduced TSNWs'' length exhibit non-wetting performance due to the direct formation of vapour film below the drop. No directional drop motion is observed on these surfaces. The superhydrophilic TSNWs surface with long TNSWs shows anisotropic-wetting performance at high temperature. Drops deposited on it bounce directionally without vapour film formed below.