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Xing Feng is a lecturer at Guangdong University of Technology. He was born in 1985, and earned his Ph.D. (2013) from Saga University (Japan) under the supervision of Prof. Takehiko Yamato. In 2013, he received the Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad from China Scholarship Council. And He joined the School of Printing and Packing Engineering, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication, in 2013 as a lecturer. Dr. Feng was an established academic researcher in BIGC and held a position at the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, being in charge of the administration of the Nation Program for International Science and Technology Cooperation in 2015; In 2016, he has moved to Hong Kong University of Science and technology (HKUST) as a post-doc, and working with supervisor, Professor Ben Zhong Tang. Now he has offer a position in Guangdong University of Technology since 2017.09. His research interest focuses on the design and synthesis of fluorescence materials for organic optoelectronics.