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Dr. Huanrong Li earned his Ph.D. degree at Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, ChineseAcademyof Sciences in the fields of functional materials based on lanthanide complexes. He spent 16 months at the Technical University of Munich as Humboldt Fellowship. Afterwards, he initiated research of supramolecular chemistry of zeolite with Professor Gion Calzaferri at the University of Berne, Switzerland. Since 2006 he was appointed as the full professor atSchool of Chemical Engineering,HebeiuniversityofTechnology. He stayed at University of Giessen, Germany as a visiting professor from August 2011 to October,2011.His research interests and topics include luminescent host-guest functional materials of zeolite and lanthanide complexesluminescent soft materials based on ionic liquid and lanthanide. Dr. Li has authored 30 papers in peer-reviewed international journals.