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Professor Qi Fang Li is in the College of Materials Science and Engineering in Beijing University of Chemical Technology. He was received a Master Degree  for polymer materials at 1993 and a Ph D degree at 1998 in Department of polymer Science, Beijing University of Chemical Technology. He subsequently worked at polymer based composites in Doosan electro-materials R&D as a post doctor between 1996 and 1998. He was a facualty of Beijing University of Chemical Technology in 1998. In 2000 he was selected to join the Beijing Nova program, and in 2005 he was selected to join the program for ‘New Century Outstanding Talent’ by the Ministry of Education. He visited University of Massachusetts, Amherst as a senior scholar between 2006 and 2007. His main research interests focus on organic-inorganic hybrid and functional polymer materials, as well as self-assembly of hybrid polymer with hierarchical structure. As a Principal Investigatorhe lead to study three research project funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, one funded by the Beijing Natural Science Foundation, and two projects provided by the national ‘973’ and ‘863’ plans. He has published more than 50 research papers, of which 30 have been indexed in the SCI, and has authorized 1 patent. two project in which she participated has been awarded by Beijing Science Technology Committee and Commission of Science Technology and Industry for National Defense.