2010-04-23  来源:中国流变网

    由上海交通大学主办的“第十届亲水胶体国际会议(The 10th International Hydrocolloids Conference)”,定于2010年6月20-24日在上海举行。来自世界各地的专家学者和企业人士将共同研讨亲水胶体研究和应用领域中关注的问题,热诚欢迎流变学、高分子科学、食品科学、胶体化学等领域同行踊跃参加。


Scientific Program:

1. Chemical, biochemical and physicochemical characterisation of hydrocolloids
2. Aggregation and self-assembly, carrier structures, controlled and responsive release in hydrocolloids
3. Rheology of gels, solutions, emulsions/ dispersions and processing relevant to hydrocolloids
4. Natural and biodegradable materials and recycling
5. Novel hydrocolloids: microstructure and applications
6. Hydrocolloids in nano-science and nano- technology
7. Progress in starches and applications
8. Hydrocolloid safety and hydrocolloids as biofuncational and functional ingredients in food, pharmaceuticals and cosmetic, personal care industries
9. Hydrocolloids as dietary fibre and prebiotics: from structural functionality to nutrition and health
10. Industry and enterpriser forum

Plenary Speakers:

[1] Bru, P. (Formulaction SA, France)"Laser microrheology for the study of the visco-elastic properties of SOFT MATERIALS" 
[2] Cui, S. (Agrifood Canada, Canada)"Understanding the Conformation and Structure-Functionality Relationships of Polysaccharides: a Molecular Modelling Approach" 多聚糖结构、构象及功能关系的关系:分子模拟和实验方法比较
[3] Hao, JC. (Shandong University, China)"Vesicles from bulk solution to solid state" 囊泡:从本体溶液至固态
[4] Huang, L. (DSM, China)"Innovative applications of hydrocolloids developed in China during the last decade" 中国亲水胶体近十年的创新应用
[5] Jiang, B. (Jiangnan University, China)“Design and potential applications of slowly digestible state carbohydrate”慢消化态碳水化合物食品设计和应用
[6] Kasapis, S. (RMIT University, Australia)"Biopolymer/co-Solute Interactions and Phase Behaviour from Low-Solid Gelled Systems to High-Solid Glassy Matrices" 生物大分子/共溶物的相互作用以及从低固凝胶态到高固玻璃态的相行为
[7] Nishinari, K. (Osaka City University, Japan)
[8] Phillips, G.O. (Phillips Hydrocolloids Research Limited, UK) "A New Look at Old Gum Ghatti"对古印度胶的新评判
[9] Rao, PF. (Fuzhou Univeristy, China)
[10]Sworn, G. (Danisco, France)"Recent developments in the application of microbial polysaccharides" 微生物多糖应用的最新进展
[11]Uhl, A. (L.U.M.GmbH) “Direct accelerated and real-time evaluation of dispersion properties including stability, shelf-life, particle size distribution and particle properties”   分散特性的直接加速和实时评价—稳定性,保质期,粒度分布和颗粒性质
[12]Williams, P.A. (Glyndwr University, UK)"Polysaccharide – protein complexes" 多糖/蛋白质复合物
[13]Yuan, C.R. (CP Kelco, USA)"Novel Multi-function Stabilizer Systems for Beverage Applications"  新型多功能稳定剂体系在饮料中的应用
[14]Zhang, LN. (Wuhan University, China) "New materials from polysaccharides and their applications"  多糖新材料及其应用

Keynote Speakers:
1.Karim, A.A. (University Sains Malaysia, Malaysia)“ Progress in starch modification in the last decade” 近十年来淀粉改性的研究进展    
2.Brennan, C. (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK) “Potential Use Of Hydrocolloids In The Regulation Of Glycaemic Response Of Extruded Breakfast Cereals”亲水胶体的潜在应用:对挤出类早餐谷食品引起的血糖响应的调控
3.Djabourov, M. (ESPCI, France) “Thermogelling systems for pharmaceutical applications”热凝胶体系在药物学中的应用
4.Dong, CM. (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China) “Stimuli-Responsive Polypeptide-Based Micelles and Hydrogels Mediated by Hydrogen-Bonding Interactions and/or Host-Guest Chemistry”环境响应性多肽胶束和基于氢键作用/主客体复合化学调控的水凝胶
5.Draget, K. (Nobipol, Norway) “Hydrocolloids as modulators of drug bioavailability; a dual case study”亲水胶体作为生物药效率调节器的个案研究
6.Dunstan, D. (University of Melbourne, Australia) “The Effect of Flow on Protein Conformation” 流动对蛋白质构象的影响
7.Foster, T. (University of Nottingham, UK) “Hydrocolloid Functionality in Microstructure Design for Foods with Targeted Digestibility”亲水胶体功能性在具有靶向消化性食品微结构设计中的应用
8.Funami, T. (San-Ei Gen F.F.I., Inc., Japan) “Texture design using food hydrocolloids by means of new techniques in combination with classical rheology”结合经典流变学的新技术在含亲水胶食品质地设计中的应用
9.Gidley, M. (The University of Queensland, Australia) “In vitro and in vivo digestive tract effects of cereal non-starch polysaccharides related to potential health benefits”谷物类非淀粉多糖对消化道的影响和健康的关系
10.Goff, D. (University of Guelph, Canada) “Effects of fibre addition to dairy products on sensory properties, glycemic response and colonic fermentation”含膳食纤维剂乳制品对感官品质、血糖响应和结肠发酵的影响
11.Hamaker, B. (Purdue University, USA) “Starch fine structure and digestion: Is there a case for slow digestion?" 淀粉精细结构和消化:是否有慢消化?
12.Kohyama, K (National Food Research Institute, Japan) "Texture analysis of some food gels by human mastication measurements" 基于咀嚼的食品胶体质地分析
13.Liao, XJ. (China Agricultural University, China)"Effects of microwave extraction on characteristics of polysaccharides from cherry, kiwi and wolfberry"微波提取法对樱桃、猕猴桃和枸杞多糖特性的影响
14.Lin, JP. (East China University of Science and Technology, China) "Self-Assembly of Amphiphilic Copolymers" 两亲性共聚物的自组装
15.Morris, V.J. (Institute of Food Research, UK) "AFM: a nanoscience tool in food design" 原子力显微镜:用于食品设计的纳米科学设备
16.Murray, B. (The University of Leeds, UK) "Aspects of the impact of combinations of proteins and polysaccharides to colloidal stability" 蛋白质/多糖复合体对胶体稳定性的多方面影响
17.Norton, I. (University of Birmingham, UK) "Controlling the acid gelation kinetics of hydrocolloids and their textural properties" 亲水胶体酸性凝胶动力学的调控及其织构性质
18.Pongsawatmanit, R. (Kasetsart University, Thailand) "Application of hydrocolloids in food industry:Selected case studies for product development" 亲水胶体在食品工业中的应用:产品开发的选择性研究
19.Shchipuno, Y.(Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia) "Jellification of Polysaccharide Solutions through Mineralization of Carbohydrate Macromolecules" 碳水化合物矿化作用引起的多糖溶液凝胶化
20.Stokke, B.T. (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway) "Polyelectrolyte complexes with potential applications in biomedicine"聚电解质复合物在生物医药领域中的潜在应用
21.van der Linden, E. (Wageningen University, The Netherlands) "Assembly of proteins and their peptides into fibrils for functional composite materials"可用于功能性复合材料的蛋白质和多肽组装纤维
22.Wang, Q. (Guelph Food Research Center, Canada) "Molecular Behaviour of beta-Glucans in Aqueous Solution: Association, Aggregation and Gelation" β-葡聚糖在水溶液中的分子行为:聚集、聚合和凝胶
23.Williams, M.A.K. (Massey University, New Zealand) "Sugar and Spice: Adventures in Polysaccharide Biophysics"糖和香料:在多糖生物物理学应用中的开拓研究
24.Yadav, M.P. (United States Department of Agriculture, USA) "Formation of Corn Fiber Gum-Milk Protein Conjugates and Their Molecular Characterization"玉米纤维胶/乳蛋白结合物的合成及其分子表征
25.Yao, P. (Fudan University, China) "Drug Delivery Nanoparticles Prepared from Protein and Polysaccharide" 蛋白质和多糖制备给药纳米颗粒
26.Yu, LL. (University of Maryland, USA) "Psyllium: chemistry and health benefits"洋车前子:化学与健康
27.Zhang, LM. (Sun Yat-Sen (Zhongshan) University, China) "In-situ gelation of polysaccharide-based hydrocolloids for biomedical applications"基于生物医学应用的多糖亲水胶体原位凝胶化
28.Zhao, YP. (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China) "Preparation of Bioactive Component-Loaded Nanoparticle Using Supercritical CO2" 用超临界CO2制备含生物活性组分的负载型纳米粒子

