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006. Competitive absorption of epoxy monomers on carbon nanotube: a molecular simulation study
作者:Chaofu Wu
关键字:epoxy resin; molecular dynamics; nanocomposites
具体来源:Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 2011; 49(15): 1123-1130

Position restrained (PR) molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were carried out on the bulk models for the two composite systems including epoxy monomers and carbon nanotube (CNT). The pair energies and the radial distribution functions (RDFs) were computed to evaluate the relative strength of the epoxy monomers binding to the CNT. It is found that the aromatic amine binds more strongly to the CNT than does the aliphatic amine. A vivid view indicates the aromatic rings tend to form p-stacking with the CNT, and the compounds with aromatic rings prefer to wrap the CNT. These simulated results are in good agreement with those obtained previously from the vacuum models. This work demonstrates that curing agents affect the interactions between epoxy resin and CNT. Other comparisons of relative binding strength of epoxy monomers also depend upon the temperature. Further analyses suggest that the aliphatic amine exhibits more strong interactions with epoxy resin than does the aromatic amine, mainly due to the presence of hydrogen bonds (HBs) between them. Thus, the ultimate performance of epoxy-CNT polymer nanocomposites should be affected by the two reverse interactions.
