2009-12-21  来源: 复材在线


  美国能源部(DOE)能源效率与可再生能源办公室(Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy)近日宣布,计划投入3,470万美元在橡树岭国家实验室(ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tenn., USA)创立一个碳纤维科技中心。该项目将促进低成本碳纤维在复合材料领域的商业化应用。

    橡树岭实验室主任Thom Mason评价说:“碳纤维科技中心的建立将推动轻型汽车的制造,这意味着使用更少的汽油燃料,并释放更少的二氧化碳,同时,兼具舒适性、安全性和优越的性能于一身。这些都将成为橡树岭实验室汽车和相关产业研究课题的重中之重,通过成立碳纤维技术中心,我们可以更好地应对科研挑战。”

    此外,橡树岭实验室还关注碳纤维复合材料在其他能源产业领域的应用,比如风机叶片和塔架。橡树岭能源工程科学实验室副主任Dana Christensen说:“通过使用碳纤维复合材料降低车重,并降低油耗是下一阶段的计划,需要政府和企业通力合作,帮助美国实现其燃油效率目标。在过去的十年里,我们一直努力克服碳纤维复合材料商业化成本高和生产设备的局限性,目前已经取得长足进步。”

    橡树岭先进传输系统实验室主任Ray Boeman介绍新中心接下来研究重点将包括确定低成本碳纤维前体,开发转化为碳纤维前体的先进技术,以及测试低成本复合材料的设计和制造能力。Boeman说:“新技术中心将大大加快这些研究工作的进程,同时鼓励创新性研究成果和促进碳纤维的商业化应用。新研究中心目前正处于试运行阶段,将对降低碳纤维成本(至少50%)和改进碳纤维大批量应用的科技的可扩展性进行测试。”



 橡树岭国家实验室(Oak Ridge National Laboratory,简称ORNL)于1943年成立,原称克林顿实验室,是目前美国能源部所属最大的科学和能源研究实验室。2000年4月以后由田那西大学和Battelle纪念研究所合伙管理。 20世纪50年代和60年代期间,ORNL是从事核能和物理及生命科学相关研究的国际中心。70年代成立了能源部后,使得ORNL的研究计划扩展到能源产生、传输和保存领域。ORNL的任务是开展基础和应用的研究与开发,提供科学知识和技术上解决复杂问题的创新方法,增强美国在主要科学领域里的领先地位;提高洁净大量能源的利用率;恢复和保护环境以及为国家安全作贡献。


本文英文原文见(复材世界), 复材在线编辑部编译,有删改。

1. 近年,橡树岭国家实验室(ORNL)正在研究低成本的碳纤维复合材料,用来制造新一代机动车,其目标是每加仑汽油可使此机动车行驶80英里;

2. ORNL和北卡罗来纳州州立大学共同进行碳纤维原料替代物的研究,有关人员发现:造纸企业制浆过程中排出的废料含有一种称作“木质素(lignin)”的物料,有望用作目前碳纤维原料的替代物;

3. ORNL的研究者们正与汽车制造商合作,共同寻找降低碳纤维复合材料成本的途径。 在田纳西大学的支持下,对来自可再生能源的碳纤维原丝替代物,ORNL的研究者们正在进行原材料和纺丝工艺的优化工作。研究者们的另一个工作重点是开发一种有效的碳纤维氧化工艺,该工艺将提高碳纤维的产量并降低这种原材料的成本。等离子体加工技术是一种颇具前景的快速氧化原丝纤维的工艺。 ORNL正在建立一条模块化碳纤维研究试验用生产线来评估这些新的工艺技术(来源:中国杂志)。

Through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has allocated $34.7 million to establish the Carbon Fiber Technology Center at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tenn., USA). The project, which will enable the development and commercialization of low-cost carbon fiber for use in composite materials, is being funded through DOE''s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. The announcement was part of $104 million in Recovery Act funding for research and testing facilities at seven DOE national laboratories.

"Materials research conducted at this center will help advance the production of lighter-weight vehicles that use less oil and less fuel and produce fewer emissions without compromising comfort, safety or performance," said ORNL director Thom Mason. "These goals are a priority for the nation''s automotive and other industries, and through this project, we can help them address the challenge."

ORNL is also exploring the use of carbon fiber composite materials in other energy-related applications such as blades and towers for wind turbines and industrial technologies. "Decreasing vehicle weight and fuel demand through the use of carbon fiber composite material is a big step government and industry can take together to help America achieve its fuel efficiency goals," said Dana Christensen, associate laboratory director for Energy and Engineering Sciences at ORNL. "During the last 10 years, we''ve made significant progress toward overcoming commercialization barriers caused by high carbon fiber production costs and limited manufacturing technologies."

Ray Boeman, director of ORNL''s Advance Transportation Systems Programs, said ongoing research focus areas include identifying low-cost carbon fiber precursors, developing advanced technologies for converting precursors to carbon fiber, and testing low-cost composite design and manufacturing capabilities.

"The new technology center''s capabilities are expected to advance these research efforts, while enabling development of new innovations and commercialization opportunities," Boeman said. "Operating at a pilot level, the facility will be highly flexible and instrumented to demonstrate and evaluate the scalability of science and technology for lowering carbon fiber costs at least 50 percent and improving affordability of carbon fiber in high volume applications."

The center will be capable of producing up to 80 tons per year of low-cost carbon fiber for evaluation and use by industry and government partners. Primary equipment will include a thermal (conventional) carbon fiber conversion line and a melt-spun precursor fiber production line. Space and utility provisions are planned to add an advanced technology conversion line. Boeman said 17 potential users from industry, academia, economic development agencies, and the government submitted letters of support or commitment for the research center, which also will accommodate educational and training opportunities.

"The technology center will enable ORNL researchers to interface more closely with our partners, helping foster a highly skilled workforce, domestic job growth and economic development," Boeman said.

