2010-12-27  来源:中国聚合物网

  根据国家自然科学基金委员会(NSFC)与美国国家科学基金会(NSF)之间的科学合作框架,为促进两国科学家在先进感应器和基于生物启发技术(Advanced Sensors and Bio-inspired Technologies, ASBIT)领域的合作,双方将共同资助我国和美国科学家之间开展的合作研究项目。NSFC对每个项目将提供最多120万元人民币的资助,项目执行期为三年,用于资助中方研究人员的合作研究费用、赴美的国际旅费和生活费;NSF也将提供相应的资助用于美方科学家的科研费用、访华的国际旅费和生活费。从本指南公布之日起,开始受理中美先进感应器和基于生物启发技术领域合作研究项目申请。




  (1)基于生物启发属性的系统级生物敏感工程技术研究(Engineering of system-level autonomy with bio-inspired attributes)

- Biological systems process comprehensive, spatially distributed information with much greater efficiencies than currently can be realized using multiple discrete state inputs and state controllers.

- Next generation of engineering systems are envisioned that are autonomous, cognitive and have capabilities of self-sensing, self-monitoring, self-healing, self-renewing and self-generating.

  (2)面向生物敏感和响应机制的新敏感材料研究(Creation of biology inspired new materials for biosensing and response mechanisms)

- Bio-inspired multifunctional materials with distributed sensing and control capabilities could have great use in, for example, next-generation artificial skins for sustainable buildings (e.g. a breathable building skin), and intelligent mechanical systems.

- Creation of extremely durable, highly ductile, self healing materials needed to develop next generation structural fuse components for earthquake-tolerant bridge concepts might be achieved through cross-disciplinary research in bioinspired technologies.

- Multifunctional nanomaterials with predefined physical, chemical or biological detection characteristics are required for advanced biosensing applications.

  (3)新型生物敏感和传感微纳米器件研究 (Development bio-inspired micro- and nano-scale sensing and transduction components)

- Biological systems sense and react to their environment with great speed.

- Transduction process within cells, and/or the reactions triggered by input to tactile sensors, auditory systems or visual stimuli can be used to guide design of micro- and nano-scale systems that incorporate both sensors and actuation/reaction components.

- New micro- and nano-scale sensing and actuation technologies that are based on cellular or biological system transduction should feature small size, low power demand, improved functionality and enhanced reliability compared to current state of the art transducers.

- Fundamental understanding and study of bio-macromolecules (proteins, peptides, etc.) confinement and orientation at the micro- and nano-interfaces is crucial for high-throughput biosensing development and applications.


