乳液复合技术: 一种节能、高效、低成本的制备橡胶纳米复合材料的技术  
乳液复合技术: 一种节能、高效、低成本的制备橡胶纳米复合材料的技术
资料类型: PDF文件
关键词: latex  rubber  dispersion  nanocomposites  
资料大小: 2207KB
所属学科: 分子表征
来源: 第二届高分子成型加工及其产业发展研讨会(2015.5.16-18成都)
Abstract - Reinforcement, especially nano-reinforcement, is very important for rubber matrixes [1-3]. In such a case, the dispersion of nano-filler in rubber matrix and interfacial interaction between filler and rubber are two critical factors to affect the final performance of composites. It is always an interesting field to develop novel techniques to achieve fine dispersion of nano-filler and strong interfacial interaction. Recently, an universal method of preparing rubber nanocomposites has been developed in our laboratory, i.e. co-coagulating rubber latex and target filler aqueous suspension (namely LCM). In this paper, rubber-clay nanocomposites, rubber-attapulgite (AT) nanocomposites, rubber-starch nanocomposites, rubber-graphite nanocomposites, rubber-graphene nanocomposites and rubber-silica nanocomposites were prepared by LCM and their structures and properties are investigated. Compared with direct blend method, LCM can remarkably improve the filler dispersion. In addition, the designed interfacial interaction can be obtained through the in-situ modification during latex compounding. As a result, the composites prepared by LCM exhibit excellent mechanical properties. LCM is proved to be a very effective way to prepare rubber nanocomposites with many advantages, such as low cost and low pollution, etc.
作者: Liqun Zhang,Yiqing Wang, Youping Wu1, Yonglai Lu and Ming Tian
上传时间: 2015-06-19 16:37:37
下载次数: 0
消耗积分: 2  
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